Measure Keywords

Created by Rahul Pattamatta, Modified on Tue, 27 Feb at 2:35 AM by Rahul Pattamatta

Here's the overview of the document, outlining essential SQL functions critical for effective data querying and manipulation.

  • AVG (Average)
  • SUM (Summation)
  • COUNT (Count)
  • COUNT DISTINCT (Unique Count)
  • MAX (Maximum)
  • MIN (Minimum)

AVG: Calculates the average value of a set of numbers or expressions.

Average1. What is the average sales amount?
 2. What is the average time spent on calls?
Mean1. What is the mean temperature recorded?
2. What is the mean score achieved by students?
Median1. What is the median value of houses sold?
2. What is the median age of employees?
Normal1. What is the normal daily foot traffic in the store?
2. What is the normal quantity of units produced?
Typical1. What is the typical number of orders received?
2. What is the typical duration of support calls?
Standard1. What is the standard level of inventory?
2. What is the standard number of visitors?
Regular1. What is the regular time taken to deliver orders?
 2. What is the regular amount spent by customers?
Ordinary1. What is the ordinary sale value on weekdays?
2. What is the ordinary number of transactions?
Usual1. What is the usual attendance?
2. What is the usual success rate of campaigns?
Common1. What is the common size of orders?
2. What is the common turnaround time for projects?
General1. What is the general satisfaction rating?
2. What is the general yield of the crop?
Run-of-the-mill1. What is the run-of-the-mill cost of materials?
2. What is the run-of-the-mill response time?
Middle-of-the-road1. What is the middle-of-the-road team performance?
2. What is the middle-of-the-road machine efficiency?
Moderate1. What is the moderate level of investment risk?
2. What is the moderate pricing of products?
Medium1. What is the medium range of product weights?
2. What is the medium salary range?
Balanced1. What is the balanced customer feedback score?
2. What is the balanced output of teams?
Central1. What is the central figure in expenses?
2. What is the central production count?
Intermediate1. What is the intermediate skill level required?
2. What is the intermediate number of hours worked?
Fair1. What is the fair price range for services?
2. What is the fair task distribution among team members?
Standardized1. What is the standardized defect rate?
2. What is the standardized test score?
Norm1. What is the norm for daily user engagement?
2. What is the norm for energy consumption?

SUM: Computes the total sum of numerical values in a given dataset.

Addition1. What is the addition of sales in January and February?  
2. What is the addition of hours worked by all employees this week?
Total1. What is the total count of products sold this year?  
2. What is the total amount of customer feedback received?
Aggregate1. What is the aggregate score of all players in the game?  
2. What is the aggregate value of goods sold this month?
Summation1. What is the summation of all expenses incurred this quarter?  
2. What is the summation of distances covered by all delivery vehicles?
Tally1. What is the tally of orders completed today?  
2. What is the tally of new subscribers this month?
Grand Total1. What is the grand total of sales across all branches?  
2. What is the grand total of all donations made this year?
Entirety1. What is the entirety of the investment made in the new project?  
2. What is the entirety of energy savings from the new policy?
Whole1. What is the whole cost of the construction project?  
2. What is the whole amount of data processed today?
Full Amount1. What is the full amount of loan to be repaid?  
2. What is the full amount of revenue generated by the new product?
Complete1. What is the complete count of items sold in the sale?  
2. What is the complete number of steps taken by all participants in the challenge?
Accumulation1. What is the accumulation of rainfall this season?  
2. What is the accumulation of points by the team this season?
Aggregation1. What is the aggregation of working hours this year?  
2. What is the aggregation of customer ratings for the new service?
Collective1. What is the collective output of all factories?  
2. What is the collective number of books read in the club?
Comprehensive1. What is the comprehensive cost of all marketing campaigns?  
2. What is the comprehensive total of miles traveled by the fleet?
Gross1. What is the gross weight of shipped goods this month?  
2. What is the gross profit from the latest sales?
Overall1. What is the overall consumption of electricity in the office?  
2. What is the overall duration of downtime last month?
Totality1. What is the totality of funds raised in the charity event?  
2. What is the totality of all transactions made today?
Sum Total1. What is the sum total of hours billed to clients?  
2. What is the sum total of rewards points earned by customers?
Entire1. What is the entire cost for the software development?  
2. What is the entire number of attendees for the online course?
Whole Shebang1. What is the cost of the whole shebang for the event?  
2. What is the whole shebang of man-hours spent on the project?
Everything1. What is everything spent on R&D?  
2. What is the value of everything produced this month?
All in All1. What is all in all the cost for maintenance services?  
2. What is all in all the income from the new venture?
Entire Sum1. What is the entire sum of investments in tech startups?  
2. What is the entire sum of bonuses distributed?
Total Number1. What is the total number of units in inventory?  
2. What is the total number of meals served in the cafeteria?
The Whole Enchilada1. What is the whole enchilada of expenses for the relocation?  
2. What is the whole enchilada of sales during the festival season?
Sum1. What is the sum of all income this week?  
2. What is the sum of water usage in gallons this month?
Add Up1. How much do all the project expenses add up to?  
2. How much do the daily sales add up to by the end of the week?
Much1. How much is the combined weight of all shipments?  
2. How much is the total investment in new equipment?
Aggregate1. What is the aggregate number of hours worked by all employees?  
2. What is the aggregate cost of all office supplies purchased?
Combined Value1. What is the combined value of all properties owned?  
2. What is the combined value of all stocks in the portfolio?
Entire1. What is the entire expenditure on marketing this year?  
2. What is the entire amount of rainfall received during the monsoon?
Overall Amount1. What is the overall amount spent on research?  
2. What is the overall amount of bonuses distributed to employees?
Total Sum1. What is the total sum of donations received?  
2. What is the total sum of all customer debts?
Grand Total1. What is the grand total of all online and offline sales?  
2. What is the grand total of electricity bills for the year?

COUNT: Tallies the number of items in a dataset. 

Tally1. How many times did the most viewed product get viewed?
2. What is the tally of new sign-ups this month?
Enumeration1. What is the enumeration of items sold in each category?
2. How many different categories are there in the product list?
Numeration1. How many different types of transactions were recorded?
2. What is the numeration of new customers acquired this year?
Reckoning1. What is the reckoning of total hours spent on customer service?
2. How many total sales were made last quarter?
Calculation1. What is the calculation of total expenses for the event?
2. How many total complaints were received last month?
Tabulation1. What is the tabulation of responses received for the survey?
2. How many times was the website visited this week?
Score1. How many points did the top player score in total?
2. What is the total score of all players in the tournament?
Record1. How many new users have set a record in app usage time?
2. How many sales records were broken this year?
Registry1. What is the total number of entries in the employee registry?
2. How many items are there in the asset registry?
Inventory1. What is the total count of items currently in inventory?
2. How many types of products are in the inventory?
Census1. How many respondents participated in the latest census?
2. What is the total population count in the recent census?
Roster1. How many members are listed on the team roster?
2. What is the total number of students on the school roster?
List1. How many items are on the approved products list?
2. How many tasks are on the project list?
Roll1. How many names are on the attendance roll for the conference?
2. How many employees are on the payroll roll?
Headcount1. What is the total headcount of employees in the organization?
2. How many people attended the annual meeting?
Aggregate1. What is the aggregate number of downloads for all apps?
2. What is the total aggregate of hours worked by all employees?
Calculation1. What is the total calculation of sales during the promotional period?
2. How many total units were sold in the last calculation?
Reckoning1. What is the reckoning of total donations this year?
2. How many total pages were printed in the office?
Calculation1. What is the total calculation of customer visits to the store?
2. How many total deliveries were made this month?
Frequent1. How frequently does the top issue occur in customer feedback?
2. How often is the most used feature accessed?
Magnitude1. What is the magnitude of energy consumption this month?
2. What is the magnitude of the budget spent on marketing?
Count1. How many units were produced in the last count?
2. How many employees are in the count for the new project?
How Many1. How many times has the most popular service been used?
2. How many products are in the current catalog?
Number of1. What is the number of new sign-ups this week?
2. How many orders were placed this weekend?
Quantity1. What is the total quantity of raw materials used?
2. How much total product was shipped this quarter?
How Much1. How much of the budget has been spent so far?
2. How much time is spent on average in meetings?
Number of Occurrences1. How many times has the system experienced downtime?
2. How many occurrences of the error were logged?
Amount of Entries1. What is the total amount of entries in the customer log?
2. How many entries are in the visitor logbook?

COUNT_DISTINCT: Calculates the number of distinct, non-repeated items in a dataset.

Unique Count1. How many unique visitors accessed the website this month?
2. How many unique products were sold during the sale?
Distinct Count1. What is the distinct count of customer nationalities?
2. How many distinct transactions were processed today?
Different Count1. How many different authors are in the library's collection?
2. How many different types of complaints were registered?
Separate Count1. What is the separate count of departments in the organization?
2. How many separate categories of expenses are there?
Individual Count1. How many individual components are used in manufacturing?
2. How many individual species are recorded in the survey?
Specific Count1. How many specific versions of the software are currently in use?
2. What is the specific count of articles published this year?
Special Count1. How many special editions of the book were sold?
2. What is the special count of event attendees?
Singular Count1. How many singular artworks are in the collection?
2. How many singular cases were solved this month?
Sole Count1. What is the sole count of primary suppliers?
2. How many sole projects were completed last quarter?
Exclusive Count1. How many exclusive membership types are there?
2. What is the exclusive count of VIP event invitations?
Only Count1. How many only editions are there in the series?
2. What is the only count of patents filed by the company?
Non-repeating Count1. How many non-repeating error codes were logged?
2. What is the non-repeating count of designs submitted?
Uncommon Count1. How many uncommon ingredients are used in the recipes?
2. What is the uncommon count of languages spoken by employees?
Rare Count1. How many rare species were observed in the study?
2. What is the rare count of antique coins in the collection?
Unusual Count1. How many unusual weather patterns were recorded this year?
2. What is the unusual count of late-night customer calls?
Exceptional Count1. How many exceptional cases were handled by the team?
2. What is the exceptional count of high-grade materials used?
Extraordinary Count1. How many extraordinary events occurred this season?
2. What is the extraordinary count of awards won by the company?
Peculiar Count1. How many peculiar bugs were identified in the system?
2. What is the peculiar count of customer preferences?
One-of-a-kind Count1. How many one-of-a-kind artworks are in the museum?
2. What is the one-of-a-kind count of inventions patented?
Particular Count1. How many particular challenges were faced in the project?
2. What is the particular count of client feedback messages?
Count of Different1. What is the count of different courses offered?
2. How many different themes are in the art exhibit?
Number of Unique1. What is the number of unique visitors to the park?
2. How many unique solutions were proposed in the brainstorming session?
Variety of1. What variety of cuisines are offered in the restaurant?
2. How many different flowers are in the botanical garden?
Distinct Number1. What is the distinct number of models in the car showroom?
2. How many distinct art styles are displayed in the gallery?
Different Types1. How many different types of smartphones are in the store?
2. What are the different types of memberships available?
How Many Distinct1. How many distinct cultures are represented in the team?
2. How many distinct skill sets are in the employee pool?
Count of Separate1. What is the count of separate ingredients in the recipe?
2. How many separate tasks are in the project plan?
Diversity of1. What is the diversity of languages spoken in the city?
2. How many different genres are in the music collection?
Range of Unique1. What is the range of unique products offered?
2. How many unique styles are in the fashion line
1. How many non-repeating customer queries were received?
2. What is the count of non-repeating machine errors?
1. How many non-duplicate entries are in the database?
2. What is the non-duplicate count of articles in the journal?
Many of Each
1. How many of each product type were sold?
2. What is the count of many of each species in the habitat?

MAX: Identifies the largest or highest value in a dataset.

Maximum1. What is the maximum temperature recorded this year?
2. What is the maximum sales volume achieved by a single product?
Highest1. Which department had the highest revenue last quarter?
2. What is the highest score achieved in the game?
Greatest1. What is the greatest number of concurrent users on the platform?
2. What was the greatest distance traveled by any shipment?
Utmost1. What is the utmost capacity the venue can accommodate?
2. What is the utmost download speed recorded by the network?
Top1. Which movie had the top box office collection?
2. What is the top altitude reached by the climbers?
Best1. Which athlete scored the best time in the marathon?
2. What is the best grade achieved in the class?
Peak1. What was the peak number of visitors on the website?
2. What is the peak performance level of the new machine?
Supreme1. What is the supreme amount of donations received in a day?
2. Which product has supreme customer ratings?
Ultimate1. What was the ultimate sales figure during the holiday season?
2. What is the ultimate number of pages in the largest manuscript?
Optimal1. What is the optimal height achieved by the rocket?
2. What was the optimal speed of the race car during the trial?
Pinnacle1. What is the pinnacle achievement of the research team?
2. What was the pinnacle audience count during the live event?
Zenith1. What was the zenith of stock prices this year?
2. What is the zenith level of battery efficiency in smartphones?
Apex1. What is the apex number of awards won by the movie?
2. Which model reached the apex of sales this quarter?
Acme1. What was the acme of product development speed?
2. What is the acme of views for any video on the platform?
Culmination1. What is the culmination of efforts in terms of project success?
2. What was the culmination point of the marketing campaign?
Climax1. What was the climax of user engagement during the event?
2. What is the climax capacity of the power plant?
Apogee1. What is the apogee of the satellite's orbit?
2. What was the apogee of achievement for the team this year?
Crest1. What is the crest level of river flow this season?
2. What was the crest number of transactions in a day?
Summit1. What was the summit value of investments last year?
2. What is the summit of Everest in terms of height?
High Point1. What was the high point of company growth?
2. What is the high point in terms of project milestones?
Most1. Which product has the most features?
2. Who has the most followers on social media?
Longest1. What is the longest duration of continuous operation?
2. Which bridge is the longest?
Largest1. What is the largest capacity stadium?
2. Which ocean has the largest area?
Uppermost1. What is the uppermost layer of the atmosphere called?
2. What is the uppermost limit of spending?

MIN: Identifies the smallest or lowest value in a dataset.

Minimum1. What is the minimum temperature recorded this year?
2. What is the minimum number of steps taken by any user in a day?
Lowest1. Which department had the lowest revenue last quarter?
2. What is the lowest score achieved in the game?
Smallest1. What is the smallest size available for this product?
2. What was the smallest distance traveled by any shipment?
Least1. What is the least populated country in the world?
2. Which product has the least amount of sugar?
Tiniest1. What is the tiniest particle observed in the experiment?
2. Who has the tiniest office space in the building?
Minor1. What is the minor error rate in the production line?
2. What was the minor increase in temperature last month?
Inferior1. What is the inferior quality product based on customer reviews?
2. Which team had the inferior performance this season?
Least Amount1. What is the least amount of material wasted during production?
2. What was the least amount of time taken for completion?
Minimal1. What is the minimal requirement for entry?
2. What was the minimal effect of the change?
Slightest1. What is the slightest margin of victory?
2. What was the slightest variation in the formula?
Shortest1. What is the shortest route between two cities?
2. What was the shortest duration of daylight?
Micro1. What is the micro scale of the tech component?
2. Which task has the micro level of priority?
Nano1. What is the nano thickness of the new material layer?
2. What was the nano improvement in the chip's efficiency?
Diminutive1. What is the diminutive form of the chemical compound?
2. Who has the diminutive role in the project?
Petite1. What is the petite range in the clothing line?
2. Which species has the petite specimen in the exhibit?
Minuscule1. What is the minuscule amount of substance needed for the reaction?
2. What was the minuscule change in policy affecting?
Microscopic1. What is the microscopic count of bacteria in the sample?
2. What was the microscopic increase in investment?
Trivial1. What is the trivial amount of error allowed in the measurement?
2. What was the trivial difference in the test scores?
Insignificant1. What is the insignificant variation in the product quality?
2. What was the insignificant factor in the decision-making process?
Token1. What is the token charge for the service?
2. What was the token increase in the fee structure?
Scant1. What is the scant availability of the resource?
2. What was the scant level of participation?
Scintilla1. What is the scintilla of hope for recovery?
2. What was the scintilla of improvement noticed?
Smidge1. What is the smidge of difference in color?
2. What was the smidge of reluctance observed?
Base1. What is the base salary for the entry-level position?
2. What was the base level of water in the reservoir last year?
Subtlest1. What is the subtlest flavor in the recipe?
2. Who has the subtlest difference in pitch when singing?
Lilliputian1. What is the Lilliputian feature of the toy design?
2. What was the Lilliputian growth in the market share?
Modest1. What is the modest level of investment required?
2. What was the modest pace of the project's progress?
Bottom1. What is the bottom price for the stock?
2. What was the bottom count of attendees at the event?
Minimalist1. What is the minimalist design feature of the product?
2. What was the minimalist approach in the artwork?

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